In order to use the data properly in a system of linear equations, the terminology and the reference systems must first be clear, so that all the dates can be brought to a common denominator or in other words can be normalized.
Reference system for dates
Specifically, the dates that come from my visions and can be found under “Important Date” are based on the Gregorian calendar, even if the date fall before the Gregorian calendar was introduced officially, i.e. before 15.10.1582 (DD.MM.YYYY → Day.Month.Year). This is the case with the dates from era of Ramayana.
Figure 1: Lunar phase / Elongation
One should also know that the number of days of the months in the different epochs and cultures and their calendars were different. This is historically justified. As we jump back in time, it is necessary to know which reference system my information is based on, so that the historically determined data or existing data is correctly and meaningfully supplemented so that the system of linear equations can be solved unambiguously.
I have also some data from my visions that are not digitized and published, as this is not the time to do so, but preparations can still be made or partly solved.
Unless I specify otherwise in the relevant places, the conventions I have defined here is authoritative. I will supplement and / or adapt the conventions here if necessary, see date of update.
I define the day related to the Sun when a planet rotates around its own axis and did not refer to the fixed star sky. At the same rotation speed, a different classification than 24h is also possible, whereby the classification only affects the granularity of the resolution, but the underlying rotation speed is still the same.
Specifying that the weapons used in the past or events have made the day longer or shorter has nothing to do with granularity. It is based on the fact that the rotational speed or orbit speed has changed. Of course, these events also led change the geometry of (planet-) orbits, and other properties such as the atmosphere etc. has also changed.
One year, is the time that a planet needs to orbit the sun once.