SA-Killer-Header: ≡ Pillayar Suli

Introduction to physics

Physics deals with the phenomena or natural phenomena of our world. With the term world, not only our earth is meant, also the whole universe. This discipline is one of the natural sciences and, like many other sciences, this discipline has sprung1 from philosophy. Starting from the macrocosm, e.g. the teaching of the largest (planets, solar system, galaxies, etc.) to the microcosm2, e.g. the teachings of the smallest (atoms, quarks, etc.).

We owe or curse all our technical achievements, starting from the simplest light bulb to the car, TV set, radio, mobile phone, atomic bomb, Quantum computers, etc. What we do with these achievements is again another question, but still very important – also for this discipline.

In the microcosm there is a threshold from which the laws of nature, as we know them from our world of perception/everyday world, are no longer as we experience them.

The question of what is a solid matter in the smallest, would contradict our everyday experience. In fact, it is not really solid in the smallest - even worse it does not even approximate the characteristics that we attribute to particles, matter etc. in our experience world. This is the threshold where matter is no more longer matter, as we understand and experience it - it is pure energy.

The physics of the smallest to the largest is explained by the model of the four fundamental forces "gravitation, electromagnetic force, weak interaction and the strong interaction". These fundamental forces not only hold the equal3 charged particles such as the protons in the atomic nucleus, they also hold the planetary systems in the macrocosm together. The interaction or interplay of these four fundamental forces is responsible for the cohesion in the microcosm up to the macrocosm.

Apropos, the physics as well as  the philosophy are another abstraction form of Prakriti and Purusha. Only through these two domains of knowledge, can any other discipline achieve completeness. They are the parents of all other disciplines, including those disciplines that think they have emerged in parallel 😉. In fact, all other disciplines have emerged from the philosophy and its interplay1.

If one considers the physics and the philosophy as the spouses of a marriage, i.e. the mother and the father of all other disciplines, then mathematics is the marriage bond that binds them together. This is also an abstraction form.


1 See also the academic degree: Ph D. or how Isaac Newton titled his main work

2 Used as a counter-term for macrocosm. This means the world of atoms.

3 Equally charged particles repel and oppositely charged particles attract.