SA-Killer-Header: ≡ Pillayar Suli

Last updated on: 18th Januarary 2020

Brihadaranyaka-Upanishad 4.5:

You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.

Here some of my thoughts. They are not in a chronological order (2001 - 2011 & current)

Newly added on 26th August 2018 from the old

I plead guilty…

[22nd July 2010]

I plead guilty to having acted as a trigger of World War 2!

[Addendum: 26th August 2018]
When I formulated this sentence, it was meant ironically. Today I know the truth, as well as most of you also, that this sentence is also true without the irony.

Lone warrior

[25th May 2010]

I'm a rebel, a lone warrior. My heart beats for the democracy and my weapon is the rhetoric.

Not datable, probably at the beginning of this millennium:

  • The roots of the future lie in the past
  • The future was born in the past
  • Medicine is bitter, and poison is bitter too. One heals a life and the other kill a life!

Hinduism a religion?

[01st May 2015]

Hinduism is not a religion, it is more a philosophy. There are no true Hindus. This sentence has different meanings. It depends on the context in which it is used.

Of course, there are true Hindus, those who follow the rules of Hinduism, but in the original context, as stated above, they do not exist. The Hindus is a collective name for the people who lived behind the river Indus and had different customs, traditions, ... and beliefs.

  1. When the same person once says: “There are no true Hindus.”
  2. In another moment, the same person says: “There are the true Hindus.”

Both sentences contradict each other, but nevertheless they are true! Or is that person lying? If so, why? Is both possible at the same time. Just think!

Similarly, there are contradictory statements in the Bhagavad-Gita too. Therefore, it is important that this should be explained by a good teacher, otherwise it’ll provoke disasters!

Tip: Substitute Hinduism, Bhagavad-Gita etc. with something else and the content does not lose its shine.

Attention: Blind trust can be deadly, but mistrust is not much better either!

I think, I said enough 😉.

The truth, ... a lie?

[21st April 2012]

Politics hides the truth behind a lie and the lie behind a truth.

[Addendum: 26th August 2018]
Why did you do that?

Growing up = awakening from the dreamworld

[16th April 2012]

The world requires one to grow up to take part in worldly things. However, they forget, that growing up is equated with awakening.

Beauty of the Nature

[20th December 2011]

In diversity lies the beauty of the nature, but also its cruelty. This observation applies not only to the biological economy, also to anything of our physical world e.g. economic system.

Truth hides ...

[12th July 2011]

What do we do when the truth is hiding behind the lie and the lie is hiding behind the truth.

The shouts / screams ...

[11th December 2010]

The screams / shouts / cries of truth for freedom.

Is it a revolutionary evolution or evolutionary revolution - that's the question?

Power of knowledge

[05th December 2010]

The power of knowledge is the suffering of the knower or danger of to the knower.

Three phases of enlightenment

[21st November 2010]

The three phases/states of enlightenment (the magic number three):

First comes the suffering, then the despair and finally the enlightenment.

[Attention: These three phases do not necessarily constitute the need for enlightenment. Don't forget that the most are irreparable broken on this path. 

Life, of course, every single life and every single rebirth is too valuable to waste it, especially à la crash test]

Inspired by the TV-programme of Harald (Lesch) – Conscience

[19th November 2010]

The question arises, what nature has been thinking, where it has created things such as conscience, envy, jealousy etc. Is the cocktail from these emotions necessary to restore the balance (What is balance: Anything that is neither overweight nor underweight) of nature or is it superfluous? One thing is firm, it's definitely destructive.

[Addendum: 05th December 2018]

The question arises, what nature has been thinking, where it has created things such as conscience, envy, jealous, greed etc. Is the cocktail from these emotions necessary to restore the balance (What is balance: Anything that is neither overweight nor underweight) of nature or is it superfluous? One thing is firm, it's definitely destructive when it's dominant.

I have completed my original thoughts of 19.11.2010. The question that I asked above, I have already explained to the subnets this week (CW 49, 2018). Here is the written form for everyone to read:

Greed, for example, that has sprung from the Guna Rajas, can eliminate the characteristic of laziness that in turn has sprung from Tamas, but it does not necessarily have to. There are people who are very greedy and yet lazy at the same time.

But what I have experienced more in the last (four) years even goes beyond the scope of perversity.


[07th November 2010]

Wealth is defined when the money generated by a country is constantly on the move in the maximum width (in Euros) and maximum depth (number of different people in the country).

Already added

We are slaves...

[2001 / 2002]

Human beings are slave of their feelings and impulses/drive!

The three manifolds of truth, or the three faces of truth

[25th June 2010]

Many knows only the two-common definition of the truth. One is the truth and the other the untruth/false. The classic proof-of-concept or verification is always based on this dualistic principle.

Is it only possible to describe our world by this model or must we expand / complement this model? What if this model does not even satisfy our classical world? Can the truth be at the same time true and false, or never meet the criteria of those two?

In philosophy, we discover a truth model that has three faces or, as the physicists or mathematicians would formulate it - it has three states. The truth, the untruth, and the third is the "suggested truth or subjective truth." This is the truth which an individual perceives as truth but does not correspond to the absolute truth.

This philosophical construct is not only of a platonic nature!

The special theory of relativity also makes use of this, without defining it properly.

  • Absolute truth:
    it is true in every context or in all areas
  • The non-truth/untruth/false:
    it is wrong in every context or in all areas
  • Relative truth:
    is true or false only in a context

Let us take an example from our classical world:
The statement right or left is only verifiable or falsifiable in a context.

The transcendental of the number THREE

[19th November 2010]

The number three plays a large role in our nature as well as in other domains too. If an architect were asked how many legs a table needs to be stable - he would sure answer: "Three". Our space consists of three dimensions - is the right answer to the previous sentence and at the same time an indication that the number three is transcendental? Constitutional democracy also has three divisions - the legislature, the judiciary and the executive.

My definition of truth, also consists of three states.

The Hindus also attaches great importance to the number three. Brahma, the creator - Vishnu, the guardian and Shiva, the destroyer. These three divinities (only three names for the one only) symbolize the three phases of life: birth, life, and death. There are also other meanings for the number three in hinduism.

Caught in the jungle of knowledge

[05th December 2010]

Those who have seen the beauty of the jungle should also know the cruelness of the jungle.

The human brain, just a pattern recognizer?

[19th December 2010]

It is fascinating to see how the human brain works. Nature / evolution has made it possible for man to survive when the organ, which is operating, makes use of pattern recognition techniques. Many scientific achievements were achieved thanks to pattern recognition.

To recognize patterns, the computer scientist would say we need a database that contains data or already (recognized) patterns and an intelligent algorithm, which can extend or correct itself or in other words which is able to optimize itself permanently.

This knowledge is being used in artificial intelligence (AI).

The power of transparency

[05th December 2010]

In recent times, I hear from many people that they want a world that is transparent. What most do not know is that even the nature does not want the world to be transparent. The human brain would not cope with the flood of information. The revolution of evolution needs its time, which the individual normally does not have.

I am not saying that the world should not be transparent, but should be weighing up - as already I said, the revolution of evolution take time!

Proof of innocence

[18th July 2010]

It is not possible to prove the innocence of a person directly, only the guilt can be proved directly. ↔ Innocence can only be proved indirectly through non-guilt.

The intellect

[18th July 2010]

It seems to be that the human intellect has an upper barrier (supremum), but the human stupidity has no barrier - it converges to infinity.

War and peace

[18th June 2010]

How many wars must be waged so that the humanity awakens. How many sacrifices must be made to get peace. It is impressively sad that the man of the 21st century behaves in the same way as a Neanderthal. It is sad to see that war and peace are as closely correlated as if they were friends. When love meet hate, we speak of ambivalence (psychology). When war meet peace, it is called diplomacy. And how do you call it when peace meets war - intrigue?


[30th April 2010]

The fight is an instrument to achieve an ideology. When during the fight, the fight becomes to the ideology, one has missed the actual/real goal.