SA-Killer-Header: ≡ Pillayar Suli

Last updated on: 12th June 2020

Brihadaranyaka-Upanishad 4.5:

You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.

What is perceptual psychology?

Perceptual psychology is a subfield of psychology that investigates the subjective part of perception.

Color perception and understanding

To experience the world, people use their five senses. With the newly rediscovered sixth sense or correctly it is the seventh sense (B2B, instinct, intuition), since the scientist has defined few decades ago temperature sensitivity (thermoception) as the sixth sense, our perception get an additional dimension.

In spite of all scientific advances, at least the majority of the mankind are unable to distinguish between reality and the suggested reality (apparent reality). I am not speaking here of a worldview caused by abnormal disorders of perception, but of knowledge gained through false dogmas and adoption of it. The best example is how most people perceive the colors and what they understand under color perception.

Our understanding of color is an illusion, which came about through the adoption of a false worldview. There are no colors in the sense we experience them. The colors only arise in our brain, as each matter absorbs certain wavelengths of visible light and in turn reflects another wavelength of visible light. What we perceive as color is only the reflected wavelength that arrives our eyes. White is when the entire visible frequency spectrum at least a large part, attention: white is not always the same white, see shades of "white", is reflected and this reaches our retina.

We think through the wrongly deposited worldview, taught from our childhood on, that colors really exist. The truth is that no matter has a property for colors. It only has the property of absorbing and reflecting certain wavelengths, which we interpret as color.

Figure 1: Electromagnetic spectrum (Source: Wikipedia)

Figure 1: Electromagnetic spectrum (Source: Wikipedia)

Our way of thinking is reflected in our language, too. For example, if we say: "my car has the color blue". The paint, which is applied to a "blue" car, ensures that only the wavelengths, for example, for a given blue around 470nm range are reflected. We do not apply color in form of chemical paint, but we change the properties of the reflection and absorption by applying it.

In the same way, many other physical processes are translated into a false worldview by our language. For example, when we say, "we consume energy". Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - energy is only transformed from one form to another. Here, the verb "consume" suggests a false worldview. Unfortunately, I also read in many scientific articles such an incorrect formulation, even by professors who should actually know this.

A concrete example from the physics of everyday life:

Our car is fueled with fossil energy such as diesel fuel. This is burned in the engine. At the beginning by ignition, so by adding a small amount of energy in form of a spark1 - in a diesel aggregate through auto-ignition, which ensures the energy stored in the fuel is converted into heat energy. Parts of the heat energy, in a diesel engine the efficiency is approximately 40%, is converted into kinetic energy. The rest of 60% is discharged due to friction (engine, transmission, road, brake, etc.) and as heat e.g. through the exhaust and or interior heating when the heater is switched on, to the environment.

When we talk about consuming fuel, the truth is suppressed, and we think of the fuel, which is no longer in the form of liquid in our tank.

The shortened world formula of Albert Einstein provides the proof E=mc2. Energy and mass are transformed into each other, so it is also with the Atman from Hinduism too. Atman can neither be created nor destroyed – that is the reason for rebirths and for the now created hell for the disgusted Atmans, where there is neither space nor time - only the infinity.

Cambridge University Research

Read it through:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


1 Attention: Diesel vehicles have no spark plugs, here the spark is provoked by the starter and the glow plug.